
Debian11 default login username: toybrick, password: toybrick

Remote Login Debugging

TB-RK3588SD development board debian11 OS support adb and ssh method to remote login by default.

ADB Login

  • Linux PC USB connector : Connect PC USB Host connector with TB-RK358SD USB OTG connector.

  • Execute the adb shell command to login TB-RK3588SD debian system.


the OTG port on development board is marked with “TYPE_C/DP” silkscreen.

ssh Login

Linux PC Host execute the following command remotely by network to login TB-RK3588SD development board debian11 system. (ip get)

ssh toybrick@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx               //xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx development board IP address

Common Command Line

Network Connect

  • Insert network cable

  • Command for view the ethernet port name: ip a

  • Command for dynamically assigning IP addresses (For example the ethernet port name is eth1) : dhclient eth1

Mount the U Disk

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt   //assume u disk is:/dev/sda1

Remote Copy


Backup Important File

Mount the Rootfs partition to the /sysroot directory: After you enter the emergency mode, the system will automatically mounts the Rootfs partition to /sysroot.

Copy important files to U-disk or remote host:

cp $FILE /mnt/