System Software Package¶
TB-RK3588SD pre-installed debian11 image provides the following software packages.
Toybrick Property¶
Toybrick Property implements related interfaces of Android system attributes based on D-bus: getprop, setprop and C/C++ library function.
Software Package¶
Contain runtime link libraries (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu): and
Execute the following command to install toybrick-prop.
sudo -y install toybrick-prop toybrick-log
Contain executables and start service:
Executables (path: /usr/bin): toybrick_propd,getprop,setprop,
Start service (path: /usr/lib/systemd/system): toybrick-prop.service
Execute the following command to install toybrick-prop-bin.
sudo -y install toybrick-prop-bin
Startup service:
sudo systemctl enable toybrick-prop.service
List all system properties
getprop []: [TB-RK3588X0] [persist.sys.usb.config]: [adb] [dev.model]: [TB-RK3588X0] [sys.usb.config]: [adb] [sys.usb.touch.width]: [1920] [sys.usb.touch.height]: [1080] [sys.usb.touch.points]: [10] []: [/dev/hidg2] []: [4] []: [64] []: [2] []: [/dev/hidg0] []: [/dev/hidg1]
Note: The system properties start with persist are saved in the /etc/prop/ directory. After the system restarts, the system automatically loads configurations.
List all system properties whose prefix is the specified field.
getprop list sys.usb [sys.usb.config]: [adb] [sys.usb.touch.width]: [1920] [sys.usb.touch.height]: [1080] [sys.usb.touch.points]: [10] []: [/dev/hidg2] []: [4] []: [64] []: [2] []: [/dev/hidg0] []: [/dev/hidg1]
View single system property.
getprop sys.usb.config adb
Setting system properties (Need root permission).
sudo setprop dev.version v0.1 // set dev.version property, Discard after restart sudo setprop v0.1 //set property,saved in /etc/prop/dev.json
Delete the specified property.
sudo setprop dev.version //delete dev.version property sudo setprop //delete dev.version property, and delete related configuration in /etc/prop/dev.json
Include the compile link related file:
Header file (path:/usr/include/toybrick): toybrick_properties.h,properties.h and system_properties.h
Link libraries (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu):
pkgconfig (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig): toybrick_prop.pc
Execute the following command to install toybrick-prop-dev
sudo -y install toybrick-prop-dev toybrick-log
Compile link option:
LDDFLAG=`pkg-config --libs toybrick_prop` CFLAG=`pkg-config --cflags toybrick_prop`
Include header file:
#include <toybrick/toybrick_properties.h> #include <toybrick/properties.h> #include <toybrick/system_properties.h>
Sample code: test.c
#include <toybrick/toybrick_properties.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *key = "dev.model"; const char *default_value = "TB-RK3588X0"; char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; int ret; ret = property_get(key, value, default_value); printf("key %s, value %s, len %d\n", key, value, ret); return ret; }
compile command:
gcc test.c `pkg-config --libs toybrick_prop` `pkg-config --cflags toybrick_prop` -o test
Toybrick Usbconfig¶
Toybrick Usbconfig implements virtual USB devices based on Type-C OTG, such as: adb, ntb, rndis, virtual camera, virtual sound card, virtual mouse, and touch screen, etc.
Software Package¶
Contain executables and start service.
Executables (path: /usr/bin): toybrick_usbd,toybrick_adbd, etc
Start service (path:/usr/lib/systemd/system): toybrick-usb.service
Execute the following command to install toybrick-usbd.
sudo apt -y install toybrick-usbd
Starting up service:
sudo systemctl enable toybrick-usb.service
USB Config configuration
sudo setprop sys.usb.config adb //Currently supports adb function, the next version, plans to support the adb,ntb,rdnis,key,touch,keyboard,uvc,uvc,etc. sudo setprop persist.sys.usb.config adb //written to disk,and permanent effect.
Rockchip ISP¶
Rockchip ISP runs RKISP 3A tunning service and camera sample code, support imx327, imx415, imx464, os04a10hk, ov3855 and ov50c40 modules by default.
Software Package¶
Contain executables, iqfile and start service.
Executables (path: /usr/bin): rkaiq_3A_server
Sart service (path: /usr/lib/systemd/system): rockchip-isp.service
Execute the following command to install rockchip-isp.
sudo apt -y install rockchip-isp
Startup service:
sudo systemctl enable rockchip-isp.service
Add iqFile: Copy the iqfile file to the /etc/iqfiles directory and restart the service.
cp ${IQFILE} /etc/iqfiles/ sudo systemctl restart rockchip-isp.service
Include camera sample code (path: /usr/share/camera)
Compile sample code:
cp -r /usr/share/camera ./
cd camera
Edge Utils¶
Edge Utils contains bluetooth, WIFI, IO, network configuration, display, camera and other utility tools.
Software Package¶
Include system related tools (path: /usr/local/bin)
Execute the following command to install edge-utils.
sudo apt -y install edge-utils
Toybrick Vendor¶
Toybrick vendor offers /dev/vendor-storage SN and MAC read and write commands, C language call interfaces, and sample codes.
Software Package¶
Include /dev/vendor-storage SN, MAC read and write commands(/usr/bin/toybrick_vendor)
Execute the following command to install toybrick-vendor-bin.
sudo apt -y install toybrick-vendor-bin
toybrick_vendor --help Usage: toybrick_vendor get {sn | product | id } len toybrick_vendor set {sn | product | id } data toybrick_vendor get mac count toybrick_vendor set mac mac0 mac1 ... e.g. toybrick_vendor set mac 329bb75e915e 329bb75e915f //write two mac address toybrick_vendor get mac 2 //read two mac address toybrick_vendor set sn xxxxxxxx //write SN toybrick_vendor get sn 16 //read SN,and the value of count must greater than actual SN length.
Contain compile link relevant files
Header file (path: /usr/include/toybrick): toybrick-vendor.h
Link libraries (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu):
pkgconfig (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig): toybrick_vendor.pc
Execute the following command to install toybrick-vendor-dev.
sudo -y install toybrick-vendor-dev
Compling link option:
LDDFLAG=`pkg-config --libs toybrick_vendor` CFLAG=`pkg-config --cflags toybrick_vendor`
Include header file:
#include <toybrick/toybrick-vendor.h>
Sample code: test.c
#include <toybrick/toybrick-vendor.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *sn = "xxxxxxxx"; return vendor_set_sn(sn, strlen(sn)); }
Compile command:
gcc test.c `pkg-config --libs toybrick_vendor` `pkg-config --cflags toybrick_vendor` -o test
Vendor Firmware¶
Vendor Firmware include WIFI and bluetooth module firmware.
Software Package¶
Include system related tools (path: /vendor,/system)
Execute the following command to install vendor-firmware.
sudo apt -y install vendor-firmware
Toybrick Server¶
Toybrick Server integrates start service, run the script to start the Bluetooth service, and call /usr/local/bin/ .
Notice: will be overwritten due to package upgrade. If you need to add boot scripts, please create or modify /usr/local/bin/
Software Package¶
Contain executables and start service.
Executables (path: /usr/bin):
Start service (path: /usr/lib/systemd/system): toybrick.service
Execute the following command to install toybrick-server.
sudo apt -y install toybrick-server
Starting up service:
sudo systemctl enable toybrick.service
Rockchip MPP¶
Rockchip MPP integrates VPU video codec library, header file and test command.
For MPP development guide please refer to documents under docs/common/MPP/ directory of the EDGE SDK project.
Software Package¶
Contain runtime link libraries (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu): librockchip_mpp*.so.*
Execute the following command to install rockchip-mpp.
sudo -y install rockchip-mpp
Contain MPP sample code:
Sample code (path: /usr/share/rockchip-mpp/sample)
Execute the following command to compile the sample code:
sudo apt -y install rockchip-mpp-dev cp -r /usr/share/rockchip-mpp/sample ~/ cd ~/sample/build ./
Execute the following command to install rockchip-mpp-sample:
sudo -y install rockchip-mpp-sample
Contain compile link relevant files.
Header file (path: /usr/include/rockchip): MPP header file
Compile link library (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu):
pkgconfig (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig): rockchip_mpp.pc
Execute the following command to install rockchip-mpp-dev.
sudo -y install rockchip-mpp-dev
Compile link option:
LDDFLAG=`pkg-config --libs rockchip_mpp` CFLAG=`pkg-config --cflags rockchip_mpp`
Rockchip RGA¶
Rockchip RGA integrates RGA 2D image acceleration libraries, header file and test command.
For RGA development guide please refer to documents under docs/edge/rga/ directory of the EDGE SDK project.
Software Package¶
Contain runtime link libraries (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu): librga*.so.*
Execute the following command to install rockchip-rga.
sudo -y install rockchip-rga
Contain executables:
Executables (path: /usr/bin): rgaImDemo, etc.
Execute the following command to install rockchip-rga-bin.
sudo -y install rockchip-rga-bin
Contain RGA sample code:
sample code (path: /usr/share/rockchip-rga/sample)
Execute the following command to compile the sample code:
sudo apt -y install rockchip-rga-dev libdrm-dev cp -r /usr/share/rockchip-rga/sample ~/ cd ~/sample/build ./
Execute the following command to install rockchip-rga-bin.
sudo -y install rockchip-rga-bin
Contain compile link relevant files.
Header file (path: /usr/include/rockchip): RGA related header file.
Compile link library (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu):
pkgconfig (path: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig): rockchip_rga.pc
Execute the following command to install rockchip-rga-dev.
sudo -y install rockchip-rga-dev
Compile link option:
LDDFLAG=`pkg-config --libs rockchip_rga` CFLAG=`pkg-config --cflags rockchip_rga`