Face Landmark Result (get from rockx_face_landmark)
rockx_ret_t rockx_face_align(rockx_handle_t handle, rockx_image_t *in_img, rockx_rect_t *in_box, rockx_face_landmark_t *in_landmark, rockx_image_t *out_img)
float real_score
score of real
struct rockx_face_attribute_t rockx_face_attribute_t
Face Attritute Result (get from rockx_face_attribute)
Face Angle Result (get from rockx_face_pose)
struct rockx_face_antispoof_t rockx_face_antispoof_t
Face Antispoof Result.
rockx_ret_t rockx_face_pose(rockx_face_landmark_t *in_landmark, rockx_face_angle_t *out_angle)
rockx_rect_t face_box
Face region.
rockx_ret_t rockx_face_feature_similarity(rockx_face_feature_t *in_feature1, rockx_face_feature_t *in_feature2, float *out_similarity)
int image_height
Input image height.
Face Feature Result (get from rockx_face_recognize)
Return Value of RockX functions.
int image_width
Input image width.
rockx_ret_t rockx_face_detect(rockx_handle_t handle, rockx_image_t *in_img, rockx_object_array_t *face_array, rockx_async_callback callback)
Face Attritute Result (get from rockx_face_attribute)
float score
Score (Only 5 points has score)
Rectangle of Object Region.
float yaw
Yaw angle ( < 0: Left, > 0: Right )
float fake_score
score of fake
void(* rockx_async_callback)(void *result, size_t result_size)
Pointer of Async Callback Function.
rockx_ret_t rockx_face_landmark(rockx_handle_t handle, rockx_image_t *in_img, rockx_rect_t *in_box, rockx_face_landmark_t *out_landmark)
rockx_ret_t rockx_face_attribute(rockx_handle_t handle, rockx_image_t *in_img, rockx_face_attribute_t *attr)
int landmarks_count
Landmark points count.
struct rockx_face_angle_t rockx_face_angle_t
Face Angle Result (get from rockx_face_pose)
void * rockx_handle_t
Handle of a created RockX module.
struct rockx_face_landmark_t rockx_face_landmark_t
Face Landmark Result (get from rockx_face_landmark)
rockx_ret_t rockx_face_recognize(rockx_handle_t handle, rockx_image_t *in_img, rockx_face_feature_t *out_feature)
float feature[512]
Feature data.
float pitch
Pitch angle ( < 0: Up, > 0: Down )
struct rockx_face_feature_t rockx_face_feature_t
Face Feature Result (get from rockx_face_recognize)
rockx_point_t landmarks[128]
Landmark points.
int version
Face recognition algorithm version.
float roll
Roll angle ( < 0: Right, > 0: Left )