
串口提示 escan is not ready ndev



发表于 2021-8-30 10:32:05    查看: 3900|回复: 0 | [复制链接]    打印 | 只看该作者
开发板上电,接通调试串口,按要求,设置 1500000的比特率,以及其他参数,串口出现not redy 提示,请问,这个是什么意思啊。Rx3399prox板子,没有做任何改动和烧录操作,串口整体信息如下:
[  355.132611] dhd_stop: Enter ffffffc00a27f000
[  355.133290] dhd_set_mcast_list_handler: interface info not available/down
[  355.150764] WLC_E_IF: NO_IF set, event Ignored
[  355.150803] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_cfgp2p_down : Clean up the p2p discovery IF
[  355.150817] wl_cfgp2p_del_p2p_disc_if: wdev: ffffffc0e1076400, wdev->net:           (null)
[  355.150871] CFGP2P-ERROR) wl_cfgp2p_disable_discovery :  do nothing, not initialized
[  355.150874] Exit. P2P interface stopped
[  355.160228] P2P interface unregistered
[  355.160606] CFGP2P-ERROR) wl_cfgp2p_deinit_priv : In
[  355.163218] dhd_tcpack_suppress_set: TCP ACK Suppress mode 1 -> mode 0
[  355.163830] wl_android_wifi_off in 1
[  355.164275] wl_android_wifi_off in 2: g_wifi_on=1, on_failure=1
[  355.166131] dhd_dbg_detach_pkt_monitor, 2204
[  355.166532] dhd_bus_devreset: == Power OFF ==
[  355.168362] bcmsdh_oob_intr_unregister: Enter
[  355.168818] dhd_txglom_enable: enable 0
[  355.169295] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params: txglom_mode=copy
[  355.169781] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params: txglomsize=0, deferred_tx_len=0
[  355.170471] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params: txinrx_thres=128, dhd_txminmax=-1
[  355.171191] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params: tx_max_offset=0, txctl_tmo_fix=300
[  355.171815] dhd_bus_devreset:  WLAN OFF DONE
[  355.172518] wifi_platform_set_power = 0
[  355.172878] ======== PULL WL_REG_ON(-1) LOW! ========
[  355.173418] [WLAN_RFKILL]: rockchip_wifi_power: 0
[  355.173880] [WLAN_RFKILL]: wifi shut off power.
[  355.174356] wl_android_wifi_off out
[  355.174682] wl_ext_iapsta_dettach_netdev: ifidx=0
[  355.175230] dhd_stop: Exit
[  355.195779] dhd_set_mac_addr_handler: interface info not available/down
[  355.297959] dhd_open: Enter ffffffc00a27f000
[  355.298377] dhd_open : no mutex held. set lock
[  355.298787]
[  355.298787] Dongle Host Driver, version 1.579.77.41.10 (r)
[  355.299439] wl_ext_iapsta_attach_netdev: ifidx=0, bssidx=0
[  355.299938] wl_android_wifi_on in 1
[  355.300276] wl_android_wifi_on in 2: g_wifi_on=0
[  355.300694] wifi_platform_set_power = 1
[  355.301034] ======== PULL WL_REG_ON(-1) HIGH! ========
[  355.301523] [WLAN_RFKILL]: rockchip_wifi_power: 1
[  355.301947] [WLAN_RFKILL]: wifi turn on power. -1
[  355.603473] sdio_reset_comm():
[  355.619395] mmc_host mmc2: Bus speed (slot 0) = 400000Hz (slot req 400000Hz, actual 400000HZ div = 0)
[  355.637997] mmc_host mmc2: Bus speed (slot 0) = 200000Hz (slot req 200000Hz, actual 200000HZ div = 0)
[  355.693530] mmc2: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (2 bytes)
[  355.697336] mmc2: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (3 bytes)
[  355.701233] mmc2: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (3 bytes)
[  355.707637] mmc2: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (7 bytes)
[  355.715509] mmc2: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x81 (9 bytes)
[  355.826287] mmc_host mmc2: Bus speed (slot 0) = 150000000Hz (slot req 150000000Hz, actual 150000000HZ div = 0)
[  356.022024] dwmmc_rockchip fe310000.dwmmc: Successfully tuned phase to 228
[  356.022773] sdioh_start: set sd_f2_blocksize 256
[  356.026770]
[  356.026770]
[  356.026770] dhd_bus_devreset: == WLAN ON ==
[  356.027615] F1 signature read @0x18000000=0x15264345
[  356.034194] F1 signature OK, socitype:0x1 chip:0x4345 rev:0x6 pkg:0x2
[  356.036439] DHD: dongle ram size is set to 819200(orig 819200) at 0x198000
[  356.037807] dhd_bus_set_default_min_res_mask: Unhandled chip id
[  356.038763] dhd_conf_read_config: Ignore config file /system/etc/firmware/config.txt
[  356.039557] Final fw_path=/system/etc/firmware/fw_bcm43455c0_ag.bin
[  356.040153] Final nv_path=/system/etc/firmware/nvram_ap6255.txt
[  356.040692] Final clm_path=/system/etc/firmware/clm.blob
[  356.041254] Final conf_path=/system/etc/firmware/config.txt
[  356.043998] dhd_os_open_image: /system/etc/firmware/fw_bcm43455c0_ag.bin (617600 bytes) open success
[  356.090731] dhd_os_open_image: /system/etc/firmware/nvram_ap6255.txt (2200 bytes) open success
[  356.091634] NVRAM version: AP6255_NVRAM_V1.1.6_05172017.txt
[  356.093527] dhdsdio_write_vars: Download, Upload and compare of NVRAM succeeded.
[  356.177652] dhd_bus_init: enable 0x06, ready 0x06 (waited 0us)
[  356.178329] bcmsdh_oob_intr_register: HW_OOB irq=71 flags=0x4
[  356.178957] dhd_get_memdump_info: File [/data/misc/wifi/] doesn't exist
[  356.179682] dhd_get_memdump_info: MEMDUMP ENABLED = 2
[  356.187432] dhd_tcpack_suppress_set: TCP ACK Suppress mode 0 -> mode 1
[  356.189363] dhd_apply_default_clm: Ignore clm file /system/etc/firmware/clm.blob
[  356.193785] Firmware up: op_mode=0x0005, MAC=10:2c:6b:07:fc:42
[  356.200232] dhd_preinit_ioctls Set scancache failed -23
[  356.213871]   Driver: 1.579.77.41.10 (r)
[  356.213871]   Firmware: wl0: Oct 23 2017 14:52:12 version (2af1ebc@sh-git) (r) FWID 01-bc98efa1 es7.c5.n4.a3
[  356.213871]   CLM: 7.14.8
[  356.215871] dhd_txglom_enable: enable 1
[  356.216235] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params: txglom_mode=copy
[  356.216710] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params: txglomsize=36, deferred_tx_len=0
[  356.217307] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params: txinrx_thres=128, dhd_txminmax=-1
[  356.217907] dhd_conf_set_txglom_params: tx_max_offset=0, txctl_tmo_fix=300
[  356.218532] dhd_conf_get_disable_proptx: fw_proptx=1, disable_proptx=-1
[  356.222433] dhd_wlfc_hostreorder_init(): successful bdcv2 tlv signaling, 64
[  356.225814] dhd_pno_init: Support Android Location Service
[  356.247415] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_cfg80211_event : Event handler is not created
[  356.248573] dhd_rtt_init : FTM is supported
[  356.248965] dhd_preinit_ioctls: SensorHub diabled 0
[  356.250655] dhd_preinit_ioctls failed to set ShubHub disable
[  356.254239] dhd_wl_ioctl_get_intiovar: get int iovar wnm_bsstrans_resp failed, ERR -23
[  356.254941] failed to get wnm_bsstrans_resp
[  356.256261] failed to set WNM capabilities
[  356.257371] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_cfg80211_event : [  356.257420] dhd_conf_set_country: set country CN, revision 38

[  356.258297] Event handler is not created
[  356.261441] Country code: CN (CN/38)
[  356.266116] CONFIG-ERROR) dhd_conf_set_intiovar: txbf setting failed -23
[  356.267255] wl_android_wifi_on: Success
[  356.312510] dhd_open : the lock is released.
[  356.312924] dhd_open: Exit ret=0
[  356.318657] dhd_set_mac_addr_handler: MACID is overwritten
[  356.319902] wlan0: set cur_etheraddr failed
[  356.320513] dhd_set_mac_addr_handler: _dhd_set_mac_address() failed
[  356.343037] wl_run_escan: LEGACY_SCAN sync ID: 8, bssidx: 0
[  420.171790] wl_run_escan: LEGACY_SCAN sync ID: 9, bssidx: 0
[  436.271535] wl_escan_set_scan: LEGACY_SCAN
[  436.276483] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.278553] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.284009] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.286137] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.288563] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.293739] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.309392] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.328727] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.331444] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.334749] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.337431] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.341776] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.416159] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.534247] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.584700] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.630367] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.686902] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.702785] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.705647] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.706764] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.715773] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.726436] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.727880] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.730733] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.758534] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.767683] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.818296] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.833866] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.868649] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.938691] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.940036] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.941429] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  436.943018] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.041119] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.068333] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.100949] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.104414] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.117960] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.135013] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.139370] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.155529] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.173038] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.222294] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.353265] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.356327] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.357581] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.378752] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.381246] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.382500] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.510696] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.512022] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.546021] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.555971] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.558523] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.675547] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.676887] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.706276] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.707793] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.709517] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.889849] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.891512] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.892805] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  437.986416] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  438.482676] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 8
[  438.567586] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_escan_handler : escan is not ready ndev ffffffc00a27f000 drv_status 0x0 e_type 69 e_states 0
[  483.157197] wl_run_escan: LEGACY_SCAN sync ID: 10, bssidx: 0
[  546.178545] wl_run_escan: LEGACY_SCAN sync ID: 11, bssidx: 0


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