楼主 |
发表于 2020-6-2 14:50:10
本帖最后由 ylc123 于 2020-6-2 15:09 编辑
你好,又有问题了-.-1.我是在示例的caffe目录里新建了一个自己的mobilenet ssd文件夹,但为什么输出的是TensorFlow,如图箭头1和2。
2.自己去掉detectionout层,然后根据论坛里的https://github.com/Pinnh/NPU_CaffeSSD网址提取出pribox,并保存,运行时出现了输入不匹配问题,如箭头3所指,而且输出和模型实际输出不匹配,即为空(忘记resize图片大小为自己模型的大小,resize之后,input不匹配问题消失,但出现W Unhandle status: the input shape of reshape layer mbox_conf_reshape_165 is not 4-Ddone
--> Building model
W The target_platform is not set in config, using default target platform rk1808.)。
4.代码如下,是根据咱们的vgg ssd中的套用的。
- import os
- import math
- import numpy as np
- import cv2
- from rknn.api import RKNN
- import PIL.Image as Image
- import PIL.ImageDraw as ImageDraw
- import PIL.ImageFont as ImageFont
- np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf)
- CLASSES = ('background','head')
- NUM_CLS = 2
- NMS_THRESH = 0.45
- def IntersectBBox(box1, box2):
- if box1[0]>box2[2] or box1[2]<box2[0] or box1[1]>box2[3] or box1[3]<box2[1]:
- return 0
- else:
- area1 = (box1[2] - box1[0]) * (box1[3] - box1[1])
- area2 = (box2[2] - box2[0]) * (box2[3] - box2[1])
- xx1 = max(box1[0], box2[0])
- yy1 = max(box1[1], box2[1])
- xx2 = min(box1[2], box2[2])
- yy2 = min(box1[3], box2[3])
- w = max(0, xx2-xx1)
- h = max(0, yy2-yy1)
- ovr = w*h / (area1 + area2 - w*h)
- return ovr
- def ssd_post_process(conf_data, loc_data):
- prior_data = np.loadtxt('priorbox_ylc.txt', dtype = np.float32)
- prior_bboxes = prior_data[:len(loc_data)]
- prior_variances = prior_data[len(loc_data):]
- prior_num = int(len(loc_data) / 4) # 8732
- conf_data = conf_data.reshape(-1,2)
- idx_class_conf = []
- bboxes = []
- # conf
- for prior_idx in range(0,prior_num):
- max_val = np.max(conf_data[prior_idx])
- max_idx = np.argmax(conf_data[prior_idx])
- if max_val > CONF_THRESH and max_idx != 0:
- idx_class_conf.append([prior_idx, max_idx, max_val])
- #print(len(idx_class_conf))
- # boxes
- for i in range(0,prior_num):
- prior_w = prior_bboxes[4*i+2] - prior_bboxes[4*i]
- prior_h = prior_bboxes[4*i+3] - prior_bboxes[4*i+1]
- prior_center_x = (prior_bboxes[4*i+2] + prior_bboxes[4*i]) / 2
- prior_center_y = (prior_bboxes[4*i+3] + prior_bboxes[4*i+1]) / 2
- bbox_center_x = prior_variances[4*i+0] * loc_data[4*i+0] * prior_w + prior_center_x
- bbox_center_y = prior_variances[4*i+1] * loc_data[4*i+1] * prior_h + prior_center_y
- bbox_w = math.exp(prior_variances[4*i+2] * loc_data[4*i+2]) * prior_w
- bbox_h = math.exp(prior_variances[4*i+3] * loc_data[4*i+3]) * prior_h
- tmp = []
- tmp.append(max(min(bbox_center_x - bbox_w / 2., 1), 0))
- tmp.append(max(min(bbox_center_y - bbox_h / 2., 1), 0))
- tmp.append(max(min(bbox_center_x + bbox_w / 2., 1), 0))
- tmp.append(max(min(bbox_center_y + bbox_h / 2., 1), 0))
- bboxes.append(tmp)
- print('idx_class_conf = ',len(idx_class_conf))
- #nms
- cur_class_num = 0
- idx_class_conf_ = []
- for i in range(0, len(idx_class_conf)):
- keep = True
- k = 0
- while k < cur_class_num:
- if keep:
- ovr = IntersectBBox(bboxes[idx_class_conf[i][0]], bboxes[idx_class_conf_[k][0]])
- if idx_class_conf_[k][1]==idx_class_conf[i][1] and ovr > NMS_THRESH:
- if idx_class_conf_[k][2]<idx_class_conf[i][2]:
- idx_class_conf_.pop(k)
- idx_class_conf_.append(idx_class_conf[i])
- keep = False
- break
- k += 1
- else:
- break
- if keep:
- idx_class_conf_.append(idx_class_conf[i])
- cur_class_num += 1
- print(idx_class_conf_)
- box_class_score = []
- for i in range(0, len(idx_class_conf_)):
- bboxes[idx_class_conf_[i][0]].append(idx_class_conf_[i][1])
- bboxes[idx_class_conf_[i][0]].append(idx_class_conf_[i][2])
- box_class_score.append( bboxes[idx_class_conf_[i][0]])
- img = cv2.imread('./123.jpg')
- img_pil = Image.fromarray(img)
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img_pil)
- font = ImageFont.load_default()
- for i in range(0, len(box_class_score)):
- x1 = int(box_class_score[i][0]*img.shape[1])
- y1 = int(box_class_score[i][1]*img.shape[0])
- x2 = int(box_class_score[i][2]*img.shape[1])
- y2 = int(box_class_score[i][3]*img.shape[0])
- color = (0, int(box_class_score[i][4]/20.0*255), 255)
- draw.line([(x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2 , y2),
- (x2 , y1), (x1, y1)], width=2, fill=color)
- display_str = CLASSES[box_class_score[i][4]] + ":" + str(box_class_score[i][5])
- display_str_height = np.ceil((1 + 2 * 0.05) * font.getsize(display_str)[1])+1
- if y1 > display_str_height:
- text_bottom = y1
- else:
- text_bottom = y1 + display_str_height
- text_width, text_height = font.getsize(display_str)
- margin = np.ceil(0.05 * text_height)
- draw.rectangle([(x1, text_bottom-text_height-2*margin), (x1+text_width, text_bottom)],fill=color)
- draw.text((x1+margin, text_bottom-text_height-margin), display_str, fill='black', font=font)
- np.copyto(img, np.array(img_pil))
- cv2.imwrite("result.jpg", img)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Create RKNN object
- rknn = RKNN(verbose=False)
- # pre-process config
- print('--> config model')
- rknn.config(channel_mean_value='103.94 116.78 123.68 1', reorder_channel='2 1 0')
- print('done')
- # Load tensorflow model
- print('--> Loading model')
- ret = rknn.load_caffe(model='./mobilenet_v2_ssd_truncated2.prototxt',
- proto='caffe',
- blobs='./mobilenet_iter_38200.caffemodel')
- if ret != 0:
- print("---------------------------------------------")
- print('Load model failed! Ret = {}'.format(ret))
- exit(ret)
- print('done')
- # Build model
- print('--> Building model')
- ret = rknn.build(do_quantization=False, dataset='./dataset.txt')
- if ret != 0:
- print('Build model failed!')
- exit(ret)
- print('done')
- # Export rknn model
- print('--> Export RKNN model')
- ret = rknn.export_rknn('./mobilenet_v2_ssd.rknn')
- if ret != 0:
- print('Export rknn failed!')
- exit(ret)
- print('done')
- # Set inputs
- img = cv2.imread('./123.jpg')
- img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
- print('--> Init runtime environment')
- ret = rknn.init_runtime()
- if ret != 0:
- print('Init runtime environment failed')
- exit(ret)
- print('done')
- # Inference
- print('--> Running model')
- outputs = rknn.inference(inputs=[img])
- print('outputs = ',len(outputs),type(outputs),len(outputs[0].reshape((-1, 1))),len(outputs[1].reshape((-1, 1))))
- print('done')
- outputs[0] = outputs[0].reshape((-1, 1))
- outputs[1] = outputs[1].reshape((-1, 1))
- ssd_post_process(outputs[1], outputs[0])
- rknn.release()
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